Sunday, June 23, 2024

A heart of thankfulness

The helper has been back for 2 weeks++. And so far, it’s mere exhuastion + thankfulness. 

She is only coming back in another 2 more weeks coz I don’t know why we agree to a 1 mth break for her. lol.. this morning Joy was still saying that she misses our helper and that we shouldn’t have agreed on a 1 mth break. I told her we were afraid if we said 2 weeks she would just not renew her contract. Hahahha.. 

累是累可是 everyone has been helping out with some of the chores just so that papa Choo wouldn’t need to do as much. But when I said some, it’s really tiny some. Lol.. 

But I’m thankful that the girls and even Joash stepped up in helping. Breakfast w the girls this morning, and they were telling me some of the changes they have made. Eg, reusing their bath towels instead of changing everyday, and I hear them discussing abt re-wearing their sch uniforms (now that sch is going to start tomorrow), coz the turnover isn’t as quick as last time. I’m glad that the girls get to wear some of their less popular clothes bcoz of this too.. hahaha.. some clothes where they had forgotten they actually have, bcoz our helper turnover is T+1. 

Penning this down so that we can all laugh it over again in time to come. 

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