Monday, May 6, 2024

Protecting boundaries

Last week an adviser texted me and ask if she could meet me coz she’s drowning. The same problems that we all face as advisers - not enough appts, no one to meet, no cases to close, can’t handle the emotional rollercoaster of rejections and the list goes on. 

I said yes. Even though William said I should refer to her respective leaders. But I agreed anyway. 

Each time I meet her, I’ll end up feeling defeated. Coz she’s a lot more emo than me. And most certainly she knows how to press on all my insecurities etc.. Joleen says I should learn to say no. Coz I always end up exhausted and defeated. And I shouldn’t bring all these bad feelings home. And the thing is I can’t even rant to anyone besides her and William! 

Anyway this season is abt protecting myself and setting boundaries. Surprisingly learnt it from my new secretary who doesn’t reply my msgs once she leaves office. Work is done and dusted. lol.. we had a lot of cultural shock when she first joined. But I guess it’s a good thing. Coz if not for her, I think I will b overstepping into Joleen hrs 24/7 and I’ll also end up clearing my team’s cases at whatever timing. 

So the boundary has been a good thing. I just need to learn to up my level and say no to people who I can’t cope at this moment in time. 


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