Monday, March 25, 2024

Reflections part 1

One of the first few days where I still look like me. 现在已经圆到不行了!

Trip has been good so far, even though there were some disappointments. My mom ghosted on me at the 11th hr. Said she caught a bad flu on the Monday just before I flew, so I told her to rest for the week and mayb help me with the kids, when she’s much better. 

Called her on Thursday (when I was already in Japan) to check how she is, only to realize she has booked a cruise to go on Fri and only back on Sunday. My mind went in a blur. I was disappointed, to say the very least. She said the cruise was only decided on Wednesday when she met her siblings, which made me even 😡. Well enough to meet them, but not well enough to help pick my kids. 


I cried after I ended the phone. Was I surprised? No actually. Coz this wasn’t the first time she just MIA on me. Was I angry and sad. Yes totally. In fact even now as I’m penning this, tears just streamed down on me. And it has been a few days since this has happened. 

I guess it’s not always grandmother instincts. Her grandkids aren’t as impt as her happening lifestyle. Or mayb I shouldn’t have made them so readily available to her. 

Anyway this trip isn’t abt her. So enough of the rant. 

This trip is abt celebrating our time together. Even when all things seem so difficult, at least we have each other 陪伴 to carry forward. 

I didn’t know that uncle was so stressed planning the trip. He wanted to tick all the sights/food/everything that he has planned. But we all know the thing abt going on a holiday is that - a lot of things are also subjected to Mother Nature. 

The Sakura blooming was delayed. We should have caught it on the last day when we were in Nagoya, but atlas, it rained the entire day! (See pic below)

It was pouring so heavily - using the umbrella for very practical reasons, not bcoz it’s kawaii. The camera man was drenched lo even though he had a kiddy umbrella. 

But nonetheless, even though we booked the best ryokan for 2 nights but all we could see is this:

It’s okie la.. what matters is being here with you. I think this is the longest time we have been together without any kids in a long while! 

Happy birthday my dearest 老公!I love you to the moon and back 

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