Tuesday, October 10, 2023

I logged out of my social media accounts last night. Finally decided to take a break coz it’s eating me alive, constantly checking on everyone’s social feeds irregardless if they are people impt / irrelevant to me. 

And then I realize the amt of time I have becoz of the freedom.They say the truth will set you free. Indeed. And thus the time to blog again. 

Crawled to the gym this morning, even though I have many legit reasons why I should skip. Joash hasn’t been sleeping well since we got back; the first night I ended up sleeping in his room on the floor, just so that it’s easier for all of us. The second night he suddenly woke up at midnight and struggled sleep til 2am when William decided to sleep in with him. My brain became super awake by then so did some 10/10 shopping to restock the baby essentials. 

The trip has been great to be honest. It has gotten been our easiest baby long haul trip. On this trip, I made a deliberate effort to prepare Joash before it. Weeks before we started to talk about planes and the safety procedures. Days before I borrowed a baby airport book from a friend, that states the things to expect; from arrival at the airport, checking in the big luggage and going thru the x ray scanners and ultimately belting on the plane. Coz these used to be his meltdown stages. Yes, all of them. And I’m so glad we did all this prep work. It helped a lot. He didn’t meltdown when the check in counter took our luggages, or why we have to put his small luggage thru the scanners etc and why he has to be belted on the plane. In fact, he knows the drills so well by the end of the trip that when he saw the x ray scanners, he says he wanna take the plane. 🤣🤣🤣

The exhuasting part on this trip is the extensive walking/carrying (coz we didn’t bring a pram on this trip. Figured that the roads wouldn’t b easy for prams and we have a luggage limit crunch on certain legs of the trip) . The thing about traveling is that the boy gets to have mama all by himself and he sticks to me like a magnet. No one could help carry him besides me. No one, not even William. So he took the battlepack while I took the human pack.. hahahaha.. of coz little human walked too, a lot considering his age. 

Thankful that we went on this trip. Took a gamble despite how tough the previous ones were. And glad to see his transformation. 

Missed my travel kakis. Hopefully we could all go together next yr. 

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