Thursday, October 26, 2023

Change for the better

Following my emotional early week, I decided to sort out my thoughts and realign what I really want in this weight loss/ exercise regime. Fact of the matter is I haven’t lost any weight since i started gym exercises. I am a lot more energetic now and fitter, be it emotionally/mentally/physically,  but if we look strictly at the weighing scale - negative. 

No loss in weight and no gain in muscle 🤣🤣🤣 

I eat as though I’m breastfeeding. And it’s scary sometimes. Lol… then I stumble onto some YouTube videos of women struggling with their relationship with Food and I reasonate with them. I eat when I’m happy, I eat even more when I’m sad. Food isn’t just food. It is an escape to me. It brings me more joy than online shopping to be honest. I don’t know which is a bigger evil, to shop excessively and end up being broke and a lot of clutter but no gain in calories; or eat excessively with lots of calories, but no clutter and still broke.. hahahaha.. 

And sometimes the impulse eating gets into me. The guilt that strikes u a second blow after the calories creep into yr body systems. Like why didn’t I exercise more self control? It’s like having an affair with FOOD when u alrdy swear that u going to be a good girl and be faithful and eat CLEAN. 

So I decided to blog my #changeforthebetter series so that in time to come, I hope I can see an improvement in me. It may seem slow progress, but as long as I don’t quit, the slow progress is still progress. 

What do I hope to achieve out of the exercise regime? What’s my goals? 

1) To be healthier, to get fitter, to go to BFT at least 4x a week
2) Not quit 

Eating clean isn’t part of my goals. I will eat yummy food, and clean food as and when I like. Hahahaha… I can’t manage so many diff things at a time. Just wanna make sure I show up for gym now. Show up, and sweat thru the 55mins regime and I can do whatever I want for the rest of the day. 

Til then.

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