Sunday, September 10, 2023

What is my superpower?

Every time I come out of my management meetings, I always feel so small. Small bcoz I felt that there’s nothing I could bring to the table, small bcoz the amt of knowledge I have is so little that I don’t even know what I don’t know. And it irks me, to feel like I’m not contributing. Even when there were calls for leaders to step up to steer some projects etc, I don’t even dare to volunteer coz I just don’t feel that I’m competent. 

Fear is eating me alive. And moments like this, I wondered if I’m in this room with all these people, just because I happened to know the boss very well. Is that the only reason why I’m there? 

This led me to think, what are my superpowers? I don’t need to be them, coz just like Avengers , there isn’t a need to have 20 Spider-Man or 15 Iron man etc…But I need to know what my strengths are, so that I can better value add to the team! 

And God softly whispered into my ears last night: 

“You can do training.” 


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