Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Yeah it’s over !

Went to the gym this morning. Figured I needed the distraction and the release of happy hormones to calm myself down. I will be doing a sharing coz it’s my scheduled turn. It still gets to me, like what will happen if advisers feel meh after hearing me, or worse walk out halfway of my presentation. And the nerves eat me alive. The last time it was me l, I was too busy with other things, that I didn’t have time to let the nerves do their job. Hahahaha.. I guess this is going to be the norm, more sharing, more presentations and more talking. 

When will I ever get used to this? When can I stop emotional eating whenever an event like this happen? I told Angela that I was so nervous that I think I can eat a cow for breakfast! I even told myself that I’ll order my comfort toast on top of the usual eggs +kopi. Carried my battlepack to Hong Lim and realize my fav breakfast uncle is on a holiday! And he will only b back after I fly to Athens 🤪🤪🤪

And I legit went to see if there were cheat options. It would h nice if we could really have some beef soup for breakfast.. hahahaha.. Oh well, and then I had this. 

It was okie, fills my hunger, but not satisfying. Oh well.. hopefully lunch will b yummy! 

Continuing my post from yday, you know.. as much as I worry Uncle will leave before me, there is always a possibility that the reverse happens. That I leave prematurely, and when that happens, what do I want to be remembered as? 

The whole thing abt death just got me thinking. If I passes, I hope to be remembered as someone so willing to share her wisdom, love and time with. Someone who is willing to tell stories to pick them up, or encourage someone. And hopefully God gives me enough time to do all these. 

Going to crawl up to office. God, may your will be done. May you be with me, as I walk the difficult steps. I know You are God and nothing is impossible in ur eyes. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

And this is me again. After my presentation and my lunch appt with one of my babies. I wouldn’t say lunch wasn’t without stress. It’s not her, it’s me. I just need to get used to knowing more people. So many things to learn. 😜

Angela brought some nice home made cinnamon rolls for me too. So truly blessed by her. I know she didn’t need this training, but she came nonetheless coz she guess I needed the team support.. hahahah.. feeling so loved! 🥰

Thankful for how things penned out. 

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