Friday, September 1, 2023


送人玫瑰手有余香 - learnt this phrase from my tween today. 

What it means is a gift to others, also has a positive ripple effect on the sender. I love the meaning behind it. Thought I’ll pen it down, so that I’ll be able to remember it. 

I guess it’s the same stage I’m at now too. Mentoring my current team, I thought it meant pouring a lot of time and effort. But it’s not just one directional. The love I received back, knowledge (bcoz in order to teach, I had to learn in depth some of the plans I otherwise wouldn’t have bothered), and expansion of my heart, makes me filled with joy. I’m thankful for the opportunity to give back, thankful for their patience and accepting me as their leader, thankful for everything. 

Penning this down so that whenever I feel like giving up, I can come back to this again. I’m sure there will be such times, no doubt abt that. I just pray that when that time comes, I’ll have enough bullets to remind myself why I did this in the first place. Why I chose to do this, not for money or fame, but to give back to the community which taught me everything, to pass it forward. 

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