Saturday, August 5, 2023

The big move

My life in boxes. Hahahah.. suddenly the current place seems so huge when all the furniture are slowly sold away. I went to check how frequent we actually shift coz friends keep commenting that we make moving seems like a walk in a park.. lol 

Dec 2016 - HDB to Jewel 

Dec 2019 - Jewel to Minton (thankfully we did this coz 2020 was the start of Covid and the many HBL and WFH. Would have killed so many people if we had continued staying in that tiny place)

Aug 2021 - Minton to Blossoms (coz we expanded in size, and desperately needed more space)

Aug 2023 - Blossoms to our own place 

4 places in 7yrs. Hahahaha.. I actually thought we would stay at Minton for a long time, but if not bcoz our family expanded, and it was no longer viable to stay there. 

Looking forward to our place. I think the kids are excited that they no longer need to climb up the small hill every time they come home on their own. William is happy that we finally have proper cupboards for storage, instead of using ikea boxes or containers etc. I’m happy as long as my family is happy. I do hope that we can stay there for a longer while, coz even though I’m not largely involved in the moving, 我是心疼我们家的 CEO. He make it possible every single time. No matter how overwhelming it gets, or how tiring the packing + unpacking seems. And he makes sure I’m still able to work. His philosophy is this : if I stop work, there will not be food on the table and nothing else matters. So I just need to do what I know best and he will do the rest. Such is our house views. Such support I have at home. I’m blessed. And I’m ever so thankful, for being able to concentrate solely on the things I am good at, instead of struggling to do things in my weak spots. 

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