Sunday, December 18, 2022


I forgot what was the trigger but I remember questioning myself recently why I even prayed for another kid. Why did I make myself restart the whole cycle again? Aren’t my hands tied w work; the girls and cumbersome relatives?

Was just speaking to a friend yesterday that as I see all my friends with their kids growing up, and I look at this little fellow, I ask myself.. why? 哪来的勇气?I’m the earliest among my friends to have kids, and slowly slowly I see them entering parenthood and graduating.. and I’m still in this game of diapers/night feeding/ zoo / hfmd cycle.. #rant

But there are days where seeing him, I thank God for sending him to us, sending to our noisy family. His eyes lit up so brightly whenever he sees me. No agenda, not complicated. His world is simple. Tonight is one of the nights where I’m thankful and honoured to be able to still make him zzz.. where even though he doesn’t quite know how to speak, his intentions are clear. I love babies. They are a joy. Sometimes I wished they remain at this stage. But sometimes I wish they faster zip to a more advance stage. God, only You know what’s best for us; yr plans will always be better than mine. And as much as I don’t understand, I only need remember this. 

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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