Tuesday, November 8, 2022



This is probably what I feel currently. Thunderstorms and a heavy downpour that one will be drenched even with an umbrella. 

I want to remember that God will always be our biggest shelter and He is always there for us. But in reality, it is a struggle. My emotions got the better of me and I felt so depressed. I honestly haven’t felt so down for a long long time, and not even food could help perk me up. 

Praying that I’ll walk out of the tunnel soon. 

Started a new project today coz I clearly needed some distraction or stress reliever. Clearly forgotten that I had promised Vera that I’ll stitch something for her for Xmas until Sunday when she reminded me.

I’m thankful for the reminder coz the stitching helped me feel a lot better. Can u guess what this project is abt ?

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