Saturday, June 11, 2022


Today’s our 16th wedding anniversary, on this special 11/6. I thought the date looked super pretty today.. haha..

We didn’t have any celebration this year. The main reason was because we just came back from a staycation and we are going to malacca tomorrow, and the little boy suddenly fell sick, on the eve of our wedding anniversary. 

We barely zzz much last night, I definitely zzz more than william coz boy needs him for bedtime.. hahah.. and that to me, is the best wedding anniversary present.. to be able to sleep, coz both of us are so sleep deprived nowadays! 

Lunch today was Teochew porridge at our neighbourhood while dinner was at my mom’s place. Even my mama was surprised that we didn’t do an eleborate celebration this year. 

I know it sounds cliché but rather than receiving flowers or spending a hefty price on food, I’m more thankful for him being my safe anchor, my partner in this parenthood. 他让我很放心就算天大的事,我们会一起承担。这对现在的我来说,是最重要的。

To the man who says he's a frog just so that I can be his princess , happy wedding anniversary. . May we continue to grow old together..  loving u more each day and thankful for taking care of all of us!

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