Wednesday, May 18, 2022

做人很难,做女人更难 (rant)

Had a company lunch yesterday. It was nice to finally see more colleagues after so long! But ya, this is more abt my rant than anything else. 

Colleague: “So Lena, are you still breastfeeding?”

Me: “No la, stopped long ago.”

Colleague: “Oh, when did u stop?”

Me: “6mths”

okie I lied. I stopped earlier.. lol.. I also didn’t say that from the start I was supplementing with FM even from day 1. It irks me why people ask abt breastfeeding like they are entitled to. It should be a taboo topic just like “how much is yr pay?” !!! How is my yield going to affect you or yr kids Ah ? Argh…

Then in the midst of the lunch.. When everyone is asking who’s going to the UK trip in sept?

Me: ya I’m going ah.. most likely with William and baby. Can’t wait! 

Same colleague: then who’s going to take care of the girls? Helper ah?

Me: ermm.. they are big enough to take care of themselves liaoz leh.. yes the helper will cook and clean la.. what else? You going?

Colleague : oh, I can’t. No one is around to take care of the kids 

Me: oh but yr kids are quite big now.. no? And there’s the helper too, right?

Colleague: oh all along, we don’t let our helper touch the kids. So no la, not going. You mean, you will 放心 to let the helper to take care of yr girls?

Okie lo, it’s your choice la. But don’t come guilt trip me la. I think 2 weeks away from the girls wouldn’t harm them much. The most they can order mac everyday for all I care, but 2 weeks away from them means so much to me. I need a break. It would b ideal if I could just go with William and leave the baby at home too. But unfortunately, this is not viable. If you wanna wear the badge of “not letting yr helper touch yr kids” by all means. I was like that before. But I rather wear the “my helper is competent enough to care for my kids or my kids are mature enough to take care of themselves” badge. It’s individual choices right. I have forfeited my trips before. Just that at this juncture, I feel that my girls are old enough, to be left alone as long as food are on the table and they have uniform to wear to sch. Homework if not done, then face the consequences in sch lo.. why is their homework my duty also!? 

Sorry but the me now. I just want to LIVE MY LIFE. I want to enjoy my kids, my work and myself! It’s no longer just about them. I don’t wan to be the mama that sacrifice everything for the kids etc. no. I want to live my life. They will flutter around my life, not the other way round. Happy mom happy life okie!

Had to rant this coz even after a night of sleep, I still feel angst over the convo. 

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