Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Emo emo

 Sa-a-a-d movies

Always make me cry
He said he had to work
So I went to the show alone
They turned down the lights
And turned the projector on
And just as the news of the world started to begin
I saw my darlin' and my best friend walk in
Though I was sittin' there they didn't see
And so they sat right down in front of me
When he kissed her lips I almost died
And in the middle of the color cartoon
I started to cry.
Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
Oh-oh-oh, sa-a-a-d movies
Always make me cry
(Doo-be doo-be doo-be doo-be doo be)

The lyrics of the song kept ringing in my head. Not that we watch a super sad movie ..I mean, Batman was okie, not sad just boring long.. 

Brought the uncle to the movies today.. thought it would be a nice birthday treat esp since the kids aren’t around + he wouldn’t be able to watch any movies after his op Tom.. but by the time we were done with the movies, I’ve started to pick on him for every comment he made. I know it’s me. My emotions / fears / hormones are eating me alive. And it’s not his fault. 

Cried in the car coz I was afraid. Yes. I’m afraid of losing him. Yes I’m being drama. It’s just a minor op. I know. But it’s the fear of losing him in the long run that is killing me this very moment. That each time he has a health scare / episode, this is how I react. 

I know this at the back of my hand. I pray on this whenever I have doubts at work. Yes, leaning on God’s strength and wisdom becoz I am only flesh. 

Praying for His protection and covering on William; that God provide us with strength and wisdom to lead the household for the next few weeks. The fear of the op is one thing; the fear of managing the kids is another thing. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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