Thursday, December 9, 2021

Emo 😢

Feeling emo and sad. I know I’ll recover by tomorrow but let me rant for now. 

Joash is down with hfmd - the fever was the starting of the hfmd symptoms. By yesterday afternoon, his throat had a couple of ulcers and we were informed by the school to pick him back. Oh well. I guess this is unavoidable as long as we intend to put him in ifc / cc. I just didn’t expect it to be that fast. 

The thing that’s affecting me big time was the phone call I received today evening. 

Dowager :How’s baby?

(Guess she saw William fb post)

Me: okie lo, cranky cranky. By the way, so Saturday how ah? Still can go over yr house for dinner?

She: aiya he will recovered by Saturday de la.. kids very fast recover one. 

(She says so because she clearly is a hands off grandma and have no idea how long hfmd last)

Me: what if he doesn’t recover by then ?

She: then u all don’t come lo..

我该说什么呢?Am I surprised? No. Am I disappointed? Yes. I thought I would b numbed by now. But I guess it still hurts even though it’s expected. Im not even expecting her to say she will come and help us for a few days or what. I wanted to be angry and cut them away. 


This too shall pass. 靠别人不如靠自己。

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