Friday, September 17, 2021

Today’s such a hot hot day.. took the twins out coz they didn’t have school today. We went to Pasir Ris to pick up some documents from my client’s place, before dropping some mooncakes over at my mom’s. My mom decided to join us for lunch so she followed us to Jewel. 

Her delightful face when she gets to have one whole glass on her own.

Loving this picture coz I’m at the back.. hahaha..

Dropped mama back home, pumped and dropped twins at their tuition place. I was so tired and baked from all the driving.. plus Joash kept screaming and waking up last night.. and that was despite I decided to just give him the bottles yday.. felt like I had an hangover lo.. lol.. 

Finally reach home at 3pm and thankfully William will be bringing Joash along to pick his sisters from tuition. Managed to zzz for 2 hrs of uninterrupted sleep.. it’s really so nice.. to wake up naturally, not bcoz someone was arguing outside or to a wailing baby etc . I’m thankful for the rest. 

Enjoying the nice view from my bedroom. The twins are delayed from their tuition .. I hope time could freeze here for a moment. I hope I can zzz for another hr.. hahaha

Tonight William will be going to the hospital for his sleep test. I will be holding the fort at home and ideally if all’s good, I could still pick him up tomorrow morning. (Assuming tonight is easy) 

I had a random check on my blog to see what my life was about 12 mths ago and laughed when I saw this. It was things that I could do, for myself not as a mom. I will be back to do all of these (I hope) in time to come. Coincidentally I’m thinking of getting a small car for myself, an indulgence I know. Well, the hubby bought a new tv which arrived today. And I just thought maybe I should get something for myself too.. after all, it’s seldom that I get something for myself. It was always abt getting things for the kids or essential household stuff .. oh well.. we shall see coz I also don’t wanna it to turn into “need to work to pay for it” mentality. Will explore it further in the days to come. 

Next week going to be an hectic week with a few doctors appt and some zoom back to back.. praying for wisdom and strength to pull it thru .. 

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