Friday, June 18, 2021

Leading a fugitive life part 1


This is the start of strategizing my pee breaks; pump timings and everything else. I’ve long forgotten how it feels like, when even my mere walking away would trigger the little man to wake up. 

It’s a bittersweet moment. Sweet bcoz his entire world is about me, bitter becoz it means relinquishing my freedom. 

Enjoying the peace we have at home becoz the twins went to grandma house for 2 days. And suddenly it seems so quiet at home. Told Joy it was probably the many staycations that the twins had last year that I felt the house needed more 人气 and thus my longing for another kid. She simply rolled her eyes 👀 at me. But I know deep down, she dotes on this little man! To which I’m thankful for. 

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