Friday, April 2, 2021

Week 31

Just finished watching Titanic on Disney+.. bad idea, considering that the man is going cruise on Sunday with his mom. 

I’ve been trying to control my emotions, seriously. But tonight it probably hit me (hard) that he’s really going to be away in less than 48hrs.. the firstborn commented that how I’m going to cope for the next few days with me + the twins all by myself ... (she will be staying over at my moms place) I’m not sure how, but I guess it’s good time bonding with the twins before baby comes. I do have a few appts coming week, but I guess I’ll be able to manage it. After all, uncle would b back by wed noon.. 

I would be at week 31 tomorrow, 6 more weeks to full term. Hoping that we could push the baking to a little bit further if possible. The nearer to school hols, the less complicated the logistics would be. Time seems to fly past so fast to be honest. I do feel much hotter now. Thankfully, my feet are still mine, swelling hasn’t come in fully yet. I still have a belly button, I thought it would popped if I’m expecting a boy, but it didn’t leh.. hahaha.. guess I’m one of those that wouldn’t know how it feels. I definitely feel a lot of his kicks nowadays, and I’m thankful for that. 

Went to touch up my hair recently to pamper myself before I can no longer move. 

Trying to do some work here and there as well as wrap up whatever urgent / outstanding stuff on my hands. As much as I had wanted to rest for the year, I’m reminded by my wonderful friends that I shouldn’t. Not becoz I can’t afford, but becoz work gives me sanity. I couldn’t agree more. And so it shall be. I’ll work bits here and there, do a little bit of mentoring (when needed) and trust that God will be with me in this exciting journey. 

I’m thankful that I have this life inside of me now. In my wildest dream, I wouldn’t think it’s possible. Even now, there are days when I ask myself, if I’m really pregnant? Or am I in a dream? But since this is a gift from God, I will abide in His will and enjoy this journey. It’s nice to b able to just bake, and not worry abt anything. And I should enjoy this moment. 😊

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