Wednesday, April 28, 2021

40 and pregnant

 A client texted me this morning to tell me that she probably wanna wait out on the plans I’ve recommended.. becoz she just found out she was pregnant 😱

I replied telling her it’s fine, and ask her when’s the EDD. I told her I’m delivering in a mth’s time and I think that was the best news for her this week.. hahaha 

Coz both of us are in the same stage .. we got married in the same year, had our firstborn a year after. She went on to have another boy while I had my twins. And just as we thought we were done with babies, God had other plans. I encouraged her and told her I understood her fears. Coz it was exactly what I had felt during T1! As much as we understand this is God’s gift, we are human and we have our one thousand and one fears etc, and certainly the nausea/emo/fatigue isn’t helping much. 

Oh well, I’m glad I managed to encourage someone this morning and she to me too. 

I’m currently 1 mth away from my c sec date.. it’s really happening soon! Lol... right now it still feels like a dream .. I would think that we are not v prepared yet coz the cot is only here on fri, and mr choo hasn’t started washing all the baby things or packed the maternity bag.. lol.. the maternity bag is sketchy in my brain actually.. I don’t rem packing anything inside during the last 2 pregnancies, besides bringing my breast pump over which I also didn’t use. Oh well , but he says everything is in control and I shall just believe that la.. also no point fretting .. 

I just wished I could zzz more at night .. nowadays it’s like I can only zzz in the day time but I’m wide awake at night.. william says god is preparing me for what’s coming ahead.. I don’t know how we going to manage but we will get there when it’s here. 

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