Saturday, January 2, 2021

Reflections 2020

I wanted to do this earlier but somehow I got lazy / tired to even pen something. I know I've hit the goals I've set out for 2020 but its still good to reflect on them

1) Work 
Looking back at 2020, I managed to hit TOT, something I never thought possible. In fact , I hit much more than TOT! In total I probably hit about 9 rounds of MDRT! And its all possible bcoz of God who made it Himpossible. 

I don't think I worked a lot harder more this yr but somehow God just opened the cases for me. And I'm thankful for how He has showed time and time again, to always trust in Him and wait upon Him. 

2) #4
We went for our scan on the last day of 2020. The twins went along too, bcoz they wanted to be the first to know the gender. We are having a baby boy! 🥳

I never thought it was possible to be pregnant again; at least not naturally; after being infertile for more than 10yrs. I didnt think God would grant me my desire when I prayed / cried out to Him for another child. I felt like Sarah in the bible but God proved again that nothing is impossible in His eyes. 

But yet carrying this child hasn't been a ride in the park. I felt ungrateful and emo when I was first pregnant. I'm a lot better now (PTL!) and I pray that thru it all, this is a challenge to make me a stronger and better person. 

Was just recalling with Uncle Pig that just a few mths ago, I was still having the crazy thoughts of pursuing a 2nd degree / doing some cosmetic  surgery / getting a car just for indulgence. But God had bigger and more meaningful plans. He didn't want me to get a Merc just bcoz I could afford it; He wasn't done with me here at my current marketplace. And I shouldn't be wasting my talents. 

3) family 
The girls have finally come to terms with #4 addition. They have started to be more understanding and patient (twins especially) towards me, to which I'm thankful. I hope they wouldn't react like what Joy did when the twins first arrived. But oh well, that is a problem that we will face when it comes.

Resolutions for 2021
1) Double TOT
- I heard it loud and clear few weeks ago, when I was still struggling with my nausea and emo. I know I said to my colleagues that I intend to just chill out for next year and enjoy the new family addition; be a SAHM; n smell the roses 🌹.  

But after resting for close to 2 mths, I know I'm well rested and ready to go..haha... It still seem like a daunting task esp since I dunno how much I could work in 2021 but I am no longer afraid of the big goals. I know I only need to do my best and He will do the rest. Its just so easy. If He is willing, everything will fall in place, according to His plans. 

2) Weight
Yes, the amt of food I've been eating is so scary and I pray that when all of this is over, I'll be able to go back to clean and sane eating. I certainly do not wish to see my weight going back as per previously.

I'm thankful for all that He has provided for 2020. I couldn't have asked for more. Praying that the delivery would b smooth; n that we would adapt well to parenting again. Praying that God gives me rest (havent been sleeping v well lately) and also remove my constipation..haha..I've resorted to drinking prune juice but that hasn't been of much use..

Goodbye 2020, Harlow 2021

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