Tuesday, June 2, 2020

" And so why do we need to fetch her again?"
"Why cant she continue staying at the other side?" 

My mind asking myself for the nth time today.. I'm not a saint n when it's an uncomfortable arrangement coupled with the nth time changes.. the OCD plus not perfect me kept fighting with the logical me. 

Mil is coming over to stay with us from tomorrow onwards 😱😱😱... arrangement should b for 1 mth since she had already stayed at bil place since the start of CB. I really appreciated Bil gestures of inviting her over to stay; bcoz we all feared that she wouldn't be able to cope with the tight measures on her own. And with the extension of CB, she has since stayed for 2 mths. Then sil kinda hinted that we should rotate this til end of the year.. which the logical me also felt that it's a fair thing to do. 

But obviously, no one consulted the dowager..and when bil simply issued the decree that he will drop her at my place on 2nd jun, WW3 happened la.. dowager was upset since last week.. 

To me honestly, I dont really mind if she wanna continue staying there. Right.. lol.. if shes happy, then we should keep it that way right.. it's going to b tough if she comes over with grievances right right.. lol.. u see.. the devious me keep justifying.. oh God, pls correct me.
So anyway up to yday and today, sil has changed her stance like so many times lo.. a text from her at 6pm say dowager will stay there til end Jun.. (a slight 🥳🥳🥳) but 1hr later she asked what time we going to pick her up.. 🥺

Praying that I wont go crazy when she comes over Tom... praying for an open heart and open mind.. 

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