Saturday, April 4, 2020

Share positivity, share love 💕

3rd Apr 2020 - the day Govt announced that HBL will start from 8th Apr for 1 whole mth.. I wasnt super shocked, coz we alrdy had 2 mths of normal school. My HK friend and I both felt that Sg had alrdy 偷赚 2 mths of normal life alrdy. Hahaha.. I'm sure the measures implemented were thoroughly thought thru and this is probably the best way to stamp out infections. I could foresee people rushing to Courts or funan scrambling to get laptops. I wanted to too, coz our house has too many kids and only 1 decent laptop. But I'm blessed to have Angela who offered to lend me hers spare laptop, thus sparing me of having to do last min scramble purchase.

All businesses have to either WFH or close for now, other than essential services 
I couldn't be more thankful for this pic, becoz it spells out that I'm in an essential service sector.. yeah.. not that I foresee having many many appts..but there are a couple of them. And I wont want to violate any laws/ or b a socially irresponsible citizen. It also brightens my otherwise lousy morning when a client who wanna know abt investments but didnt wanna meet. It made me felt rejected, as though I'm "dirty" or what; or that im some socially irresponsible person who still trying to make so many social appts etc. I'm not. But there are bargains / suitable investment opportunities for some clients etc. And i just wanna do my diligence and inform them. That's all. Anyway I felt lousy after the morning texting. But I decided not to let it affect me too much. I know this wont be the first of such msgs and it wont be the last either. I went home and ask joy to teach me how to do presentations via zoom etc. Although I'm still raw on it, but if the need requires, I will learn. I'm glad i learn a new skill.. hahaha.. hopefully there wont b too many hiccups when it's the day of presentation.. hahahaa..

Told the kids and my CEO that we will follow the Gov't policies and wear a mask from 8th apr onwards.. we are probably the family who rather stay home then mask and go but I told my ceo that if this is the Govt directives, then we shall follow, as law abiding citizens. Esp since he is in the higher risk group. 

Am I worried abt the situation? Not really.. coz my faith is with my God and saviour. And I know that we are in a blessed nation, with leaders who think 20 steps ahead of us, and protect and guide us. 

However I'm concerned abt the living together and sticking together as a family of 5. I'm afraid that I would really slaughter my kids with unkind words; or have arguments that I would regret later on. I told william my concerns last night and both of us agreed that at least we are staying at our current apartment; that at least we have space (a bit more than our previous place) and hopefully that could last us out for a mth.

Thankful for the opportunity to be thankful for. Learning to give thanks in every situation.. 

Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.  And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”
Isaiah 40:4‭-‬5 NIV

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