Sunday, February 9, 2020

lazy weekend

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 NIV

The day Singapore change from yellow to orange, there was panic at the supermarkets reported.. hoarders buying large quantities of food and toilet papers...🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Let's make something good out of this situation. Be patient with one another; exercise social responsibility; wash hands with soap and avoid touching yr face!

Brought the twins to the library at Nex on a Sunday afternoon. We had to measure our temperature and provided our details before we could enter. Kudos to the staff for the extra work needed to ensure contact tracing to be easier if shit happens. The mall was pleasantly quiet; with more shoppers putting on a mask. We didnt have to queue at sushi Express even though it was lunch time and the staff gave us hand sanitizer before we were showed our tables.

I wasnt around when SARS hit Singapore. But I was around when it was orange during Swine flu in 2009. That was the year that I cancelled my mdrt convention trip bcoz I didnt want to risk having to self quarantine and b away from joy after I got back. But that was the only thing I remember from that flu epidemic. 

Let's all make a positive step towards making this place a better place to live in. 

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