Friday, December 13, 2019

hkk day 3-4

Thank God for papa choo, for being the anchor and compass today! We finally managed to see a doctor today bcoz there wasnt any at the ski resort.. lol..there is so many things to be grateful for today.. grateful that it didnt snow! Yeah! Bcoz if it had snowed, travelling from the bus station to the sapporo hotel would have been crazy! Grateful that papa choo is so good with his directions! We didnt need to do any 冤枉路 and we manage to take the train and walk to the hospital.

The hotel staff was v helpful in checking if the hospital had any translator around. Bcoz in japan, there are pretty strict abt this. U basically cant see a doctor unless u know japanese or there is a translator for u. All in all, the excursion at the hospital took an hr! For which I'm thankful. So thankful that William could entertain the twins while me and joy went to see our respective doctors. (Coz the hosp insisted she should go to paediatric even though she looks v much like a full grown adult) 

Had a good ramen after that and some light shopping just to top up on some lip balm etc.. actual itinerary probably starts tomorrow.. william says it's going to b light light coz we are still sick but I do feel so much better hrs after I had the meds.. yeah! Thank God for his protection on us! 
grace having a nose bleed after we got back and vera being her nurse..
then there is finally the powdery snow yday bcoz it snowed ! (Finally!) At least before we leave the ski resort, we could experience the powdery snow.. the kids were thrilled by it..n if they are happy, I'm happy.. hahahah.. 

see how cold we have become! 

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