Wednesday, December 11, 2019

HKK Day 2

It hasn't been an easy day caring for 2 sick kids and trying to prevent the healthy lonely one to be infected but we just wanna pray and give thanks that for all things, God has a plan and we only need to lean onto Him and Believe that in the end, everything is gonna b okie..

Us in the morning when Grace's fever had gone "shopping" (in her own words) 

The weather was beautiful, not too cold. It was bright and sunny. I know the girls are disappointed that they have yet to see Mr. SNOW yet.. and to be honest, I was getting a little worried too, that we would miss out like our last trip to Korea. But william reminded me again that it is all in Lord's hands and that He would know what's best. So simple and sweet. Indeed, it is always best to focus on God and His plans than our own. And with that, this little anxiety is too, gone with the wind.


Joy had a full day of ski class, and I'm thankful that she managed to enjoy herself and really learn how to do it. By the end of the class, she could take the chair lift to the higher mountain levels and ski down. I'm glad she enjoyed it, even though we almost had to forfeit the whole lesson coz she was unwell. But she said she could n wanted to do it. I reminded her that she could end it anytime she felt the need to.

this was the only photo her coach took for oh well.. 


probably the only free activity in the resort..  the twins took so many times of

if anything, the food at the ski resort has been mind blowing... hahaha.. I've been to 2 ski resorts (korea) and the food were "attraction" standards.. but the food here is soooooo good.. that it kinda made me forgot how expensive this winter holiday is. Hahahaha..  thankful la.. that food is good..

Give thanks to the Lord , for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 NIV

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