Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sleepless nights

I'm going to fly off to Egypt with my mama for another convention in a couple of days time.

William could sense it - the jittery plus emo emo and the fact that I kept picking on him the last few days (at least according to him). I thought I had managed it quite well this time round, till the sleepless nights came visiting again. I tried cutting off caffeine entirely, packing my days with appts such that the mind doesn't even have time to wander. In fact, for the next 3 days, my appts start as early as 9am, even on Wed, the day I fly.

Praying for good sleep, praying that I have the energy to spend time with my kids before the trip, that I wont miss the family too much. Feeling guilty that i probably packed too many appts coming week, but we did many activities this week. I brought them to the night safari, we swam (again)and we even washed the school shoes together coz I was quite irritated with the dirty

Praying that the trip would be fruitful, that I would be able to spend time with my mama - the only reason why I'm travelling. Praying for good weather and peace, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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