Sunday, August 18, 2019

Lesson to learn

Woke up by the man stomping into the bedroom and changing back to his home clothes. Time: 830am. He had intended to bring the twins out on an excursion since we had a whole Sunday to ourselves. Gave them instructions to change and get ready but when the man was ready, the twins were still in their own world; grace reading and vera drawing. That was it. The man told them they are not going out anymore and came back to the bedroom.

Thus began the long episode of crying and crying. Haiz.. there was an interval for bf at home and the twins (and me also) probably thought that they could go after bf. After all, it's rare we have a whole Sunday on our own. But the man wanted to imprint this lesson in their minds. After all, this was getting too frequently.

The twins realized that they r not going after all, cried even louder and longer.. at this point, I was tired. I was tempted to use my "priority pass" to ask the king for a pardon. But I too realise that I shouldn't.

Peace has resumed. We are all back to our home clothes. Crying has stopped. Episode ended faster than I thought. It seems a long day though its only 1030am.

God, I pray u grant me the stamina t0 last thru today. I pray for wisdom as I figure this topic of parenting. I pray for strength, in jesus name I pray, Amen!

P/s: as I draft this entry, episode 2 has started..  God pls save me.. 😣

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