Thursday, August 29, 2019

Lazy Thursday

Mama duties today after a hectic morning. Took uncle choo's first "bus" with the girls and reach office by 7am. Printed some documents and collected a chq from client at yishun at 8ish before heading to another review appt at 930 at potong pasir. By the time it was done, went to office again to submit all the paperwork. Headed home to take a catnap before fetching the girls from school. 

Papa choo took the car to bring his mama to the doc so today was my first time taking public with the twins from school. Thankfully we manage to squeeze into the first bus... hahaha..

Moments when they are sisters and not sworn enemies..

To be honest, I'm exhausted bcoz I only manage to zzz at 4am (intoxicated by coffee) and what better way to exhaust their energy than to swim! 

Probably becoz the other kids are still in school so we have the whole pool by ourselves..

Thankfully I'm done with work for today. I told them that they can swim for as long as they want till it rains or when they quarrel big time. Going to miss this place when we move out end of the year.. 

Thankful for the time to enjoy my kids, breathe and the happy moments. Now that I'm going to scale down this yr, I wanna bring them for swimming more frequently and to also make use of our zoo passes next week! Yeah!

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