Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Change for the better

I did something that I usually wont do.. which is to come attend this convention by myself -alone. Had gotten tickets for this event thru the company lucky draw.. and there was the huge inertia to crawl out of bed and come here and risk either bumping into those 半熟的 colleagues/ ex colleagues.. haiz.. but I've always wanted to attend the real one at US. Registered for that before but cancelled it coz there was the pig flu many yrs ago and I didnt wanna risk spreading it to my little baby when I came back. Thus, I'm here today since it's free and I pray that I could just sit alone and zen and b invisible. Had alrdy sighted a few ex colleagues but yes, hopefully thats it. I can pull it thru..

Change is uncomfortable. Change is for the better. I can do this lah..

Update: Its almost at the end of the day. It has been an enriching experience. I'm glad I came, despite the inertia. Thankfulness. 

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