Thursday, July 18, 2019

My slimming journey part 3

Weight: 73.3kg
And this starts the beginning of my last cycle. I have about 8 sessions left from previous, which I aim to use this for 1 mth before I go to Vancouver. Had lost 2.2kg since the last I left this place, to which I'm thankful.
Hoping that I can hit 65kg by the end of this.

Obviously nothing happened between may til Vancouver and back. Wasnt disciplined enough to keep to the meal plan and decided to just indulge and enjoy myself a little. Came back finally after all the bday feasting 

Weight: 72.8 kg

Although it seems that I've dropped since may but the truth is I've actually gained abt 1 kg since my lowest. I think each time I dropped to 71.9, I tend to be too happy with it and start over indulging in cakes and comfort food. 

Have decided to come back and finish the last of the few sessions. Praying that God will guide me thru and give me the discipline to persevere. 

Weight: 71.9 kg 
Gain/loss : -900gram 

Doing it once a week all the way til end Aug. Hopefully I can finally touch 65kg by then!

Weight: 72.1kg
Gain/loss: 400gram

Had too much carbs and ketchup chips last week. Too much feasting last week and I was too "happy" with below 72 that I enjoyed too much.. haiz..


I was shocked when I weigh myself this morning. Had expected to lose at least half a kg if not 1. Probably bcoz I had too much shabu shabu last night even though I had ate v cleanly over the last week. Decided to take a break. Probably will keep the last few sessions for maintainence ba. Mayb I'm just not as motivated now. And I doesn't want the weight to keep affecting me like that. 

Overall I'm still v much thankful for all the weight loss la. But this shall be it. Hahahaha. 

Went for lor mee this morning for breakfast. So happy!

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