Tuesday, March 5, 2019

A season of Thanksgiving

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

February is the month of giving thanks. In fact, I decided that I should do this on a regular basis.

One of the mornings when we had to finish our taka vouchers before it expires. This is the place where we first met on our first date! Think I will b v emo when this place closes down next time..hahaha..

Mr choo took this minutes before sending me to the mrt station. Only decided to wear this at the last minute becoz both he and J felt that this was nicer over the other dress. As a result, he had to do an Express wash for this. After all, the last time I wore this was when I was in the Netherlands, more than 16 yrs ago. Never thought that I would be able to fit in it again. Told J that I felt like a princess that evening who will go back to being a pumpkin the next day..hahahaha

We managed to go for supper together after the awards night coz Joy was in sch camp while the twins were on a cruise with my parents! 我的孩子长大了!终于有我们俩的私人时间。非常感恩!

Twins also enjoyed themselves very much on the cruise, with the many activities on board.

Them in butler uniform

The hubby gave me a new bible last mth too and I only 随口说说我应该 get a physical bible and ta-da! It appeared on the same weekend in church.. small gestures like this melt my heart always.. need to make good use of it..

I did a mini block session during Jan & Feb and I'm proud to say that I'm now 75kg! Praise the Lord! Never have I thought that this would b possible. It feels good.

I insisted on taking a photo with the friendly people at ASW when I was there last mth bcoz I probably will only see them again in May after all the crazy trips. 
#not a sponsored post

Couldn't have been more grateful for God and the people around me for continuously encouraging me. 

It's like a 2nd chance at life, where I no longer eat unhealthily nor eat at late hrs. Back then, my body had accustomed to dinners/suppers at 10pm; which wasnt healthy at all. As much as I tried to change this, every night without fail, I would feel hungry. But since I've started this program and by God's grace, I've rarely ate after 8pm unless really unavoidable.

My heart is filled with the many blessings. Had wanted to post this earlier but I was lazy to transfer the written entry to online..Haha..  I'm still a pretty much dinosaur, preferring to write than blog. 

Thankfulness and looking forward to the upcoming trips. May God grant journey mercy on the trips and may the kids adapt well.

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