Monday, February 18, 2019

It takes more than a village..

The twins each had an episode over the weekend when I was alone with them. It was tough to maintain my stand, b firm and yet not lose my temper. William will b doing a course in church and I will b the sole parent for 3 Saturdays straight. When I picked William in the evening that day, I told him that I almost died or felt like killing myself. I cant imagine how I could survive the next 2 Saturdays on my own.
I cant really remember the details on why or how each episode happened but usually its lack of sleep then misbehaviour then corrective action etc. Parenting is tough. It's much tougher compared to being parents of my parents era. N sometimes I wonder if I had made the right choice in having so many kids.
I came home today to find vera in the midst of a battle with Mr choo. Grace was crying her guts out becoz she was afraid that papa would really throw all of vera belongings out of the house for lack of obedience. Awww..
An hour later, it was a battle with grace; coz she had spend on unnecessary items at the bookshop (again). All the justifications / excuses were tabled out to explain why she needed to buy. The battle lasted abt 1 hr with me trying to calm.her down before we do explanation. It was tiring. 

Vera fell asleep on the sofa halfway thru.

It's only Monday but I just felt that the week is so tough. I need an ice cream! God, help me and Carry me thru this week. I love my kids but lord, give me the wisdom and patience to love them like the way you love us. In jesus name I pray, amen !

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