Monday, January 21, 2019

My breakthrough

Brought the twins for an excursion today after dinner bcoz the man had to go for his village meeting. Ever since our showdown that day, I decided to change my perspective/mindset. And surprisingly, it made me felt better than any of the evenings when he wasnt around. Instead of acting out like the evil stepmother and pushing more chores to "Cinderalla" so that he couldn't go for the "ball", I decided to be the understanding spouse who takes the kids for a few hrs so that the stay at home parent who had been taking care of my kids for so many yrs could take a breather. It was the right thing to do and one that I couldn't come to terms with in the past.

But I did it today. And I'm so proud of myself. Little victory. And it is so liberating, to defeat the voices inside me and embrace it.
This is the book I'm currently reading, which helped me fight the voices. I have yet to complete it but yes, it has been mind changing thus far.

We didn't do anything fancy. Simply took the kids to the library to borrow books and ice milo at Macdonald's after that. It was also refreshing to spend some time talking to them, as they update me abt their p1 events in sch.. very soon they will no longer be in this phase so its impt to engage them intentionally so that as they move towards their teenager phrase, they will always rem to come home and share with us their happenings.

I'm excited and thankful for the new perspectives. And before I knew it, the man is back from his meeting. 

Thank u God for all the things. Thank u for all the blessings.

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