Monday, November 26, 2018

Our staycation begins !

And so the long awaited week long staycation began today, right after a morning appt with a client and crawling back home to meet with the rest. We had lunch at compass one, before mr choo dropped us at the hotel to check-in. He needed to return the replacement car before crawling back.

I was feeling jittery when he left. Coz I always felt incompetent when I'm alone with the girls. It just seems that all things that could go wrong would happen when I'm alone with them. Or mayb they are just more obedient when their dad was around. Shortly after we got our room, the start of bickers happened. In order to keep them occupied, I suggested swimming. Joy prefer to stay in the room and enjoy her quiet time while i brought the twins to swim. Trust me, it's easier this way too..
Scorching weather.. omg.. Vera turned black after the swim..

Showered them and we had snacks. The man is still not back yet.. I kept tracking his GPS coz they were bickering here and there.. Haiz..  mayb this staycation is going to be longer than I thought..

Bought a box of "Joy" after dinner coz this would b our breakfast for tomorrow.. Joy was thrilled with it bcoz of the name. Told her that a box is so expensive.. and she retorted that she s priceless... 🤣

In happier times

WW2 broke out shortly after this pic. Both of us were tired that the girls weren't grateful for what they have etc.. so much so that Mr choo deflated the air bed and started packing. It breaks my heart when they start sobbing hard but if this is the message we need to send across, then let's get it done. Finally ironed out all and all are sleeping now.

Hopefully tomorrow will b easier..  May the Lord be with me and give me wisdom and patience, and may the Lord Grant us good weather for tomorrow.

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