Saturday, September 8, 2018


Having my last coffee and toast now, before i go for a week of ang moh food again. Had porridge for breakfast and Thai food for lunch , n this is tea break. I will certainly miss my sg food.. for sure.. haiz..

Praying for journey mercy for the trip, that I will have ample rest on the flights (it's a loooooong flight) and that I will be able to spend time fruitfully and purposefully with my mama. I pray that the Lord will guide me in this trip, that I be able to touch the lives of others who I might meet. May God give me the words to encourage them and let them know abt His goodness.

Indeed, it has been a very fruitful mth, for which I'm thankful for. And it can only be bcoz of Him, my God.

- Luke 5:5-6
This was what J send me a few days ago. She said that she thought of me when she read it and I couldn't agree more. There are times when I felt that there weren't any more cases left, or probably I won't be able to hit the special incentives. Coz I felt like Peter, who had cast his nets all night long, but there were nothing. But I wasn't disappointed. I kept continuing, becoz I believe that it was my mission to help people, in their financial planning. It could b via this or it doesn't have to be. The most impt thing is to be able to help them. I just continued doing what was right, and what God would be proud of. And finally, this week , all the cases came. And they came in large amts.. and from people I least expected. The number of cases plus the amts far exceeded both our expectations. And We can only affirm that it's all God's work, not mine.

May whoever that reads this be touched and know of His goodness, amen !

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