Saturday, August 11, 2018

Having only 1 child

How does it feel to only have a kid? That's the experience we will get this weekend  coz the twins are having a staycation with my mama at her fav resort.

Joy has been super excited abt the whole idea since yday after we dropped the twins there. My mom has been trying to persuade the firstborn to stay too, to no avail.

On the journey back, there was peace in the car, no squabbling over the lack of space etc. There were only mature conversations among the 3 of us. It's how things would be if twins didn't came into our lives. Yes there is peace but there would b boredom/ loneliness. I reminded joy that the reason why we tried our best to give her a sibling was bcoz each time we went to a pool, she would look with envy when other kids had siblings to play with them. I reminded her too that if she hadn't had the twins , she probably won't enjoy water play / swimming as much even if both of us were in the pool with her. I refer her to her 2 best cc kakis who hardly swim at their pools.

She slept with me last night and daddy went to the kids room. One of the treats we do occasionally when the twins are not around.

This morning we went for bf before I went for my appt. Bf wasn't chaotic. We splitted into 3: She went to find a table while I went to q and papa choo went to park the car. Super coordinated. It was also easier to find a table for 3 compared to 5.

Appt ended and I went home. She was reading the papers while papa choo was replying some emails. Shortly after she went for her tuition. To meet her at her lunch eatery after tuition.

The emptiness filled the house once she left. I tried to catch a nap but I couldn't fall asleep. Told William that perhaps now that I didn't need take care of the twins , I didn't need to replenish energy. He agreed. We spend the afternoon chatting, just the two of us. I told him that life would b so peaceful if we didn't have kids. Could zzz til we wake up naturally and go for our brunch etc. He disagreed. He felt that if we were to do this for the past 12 yrs after our marriage, we probably died of boredom or separated.

I told him that we probably travel a lot more if the kids weren't here. He agreed and added that we would always b broke bcoz of the frequent traveling, to which I had to agree.

Now in church waiting for time to pass. Papa choo and joy are serving today thus I have to attend the main service on my own. Haiz.

I'm bored.

I miss my

Bringing joy for her pre bday treat tonight bcoz it's her bday tom.

Time flies. It's been 11yrs since motherhood. Learnt so much during this 11yrs when they came into my life. Thankful for the opportunity. Thankful for the many blessings.

Love my family. Love my God. Can't wait for the twins to be home tom.

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