Thursday, August 23, 2018

Feeling emo..

A client whom I'm supposed to meet for review texted me that she has cancer relapse - stage 4 brain cancer. My heart sank. I had just done her CI claims abt 6 yrs ago and since then she has been in the pink of health with the doctors clearing her during the yrly reviews.

I thought we had long send the enemy away. Why and how did it suddenly return? I remember doing 2 Critical illness claims in 2013 - both were women below their 40s. We went thru the chemos together, the claims etc and life went back to normal.. so i thought.

The other client had a relapse last yr - stage 4 also and had gone thru 2 rounds of surgeries. When I saw her last mth, it was as though she was skinny to the bones but she was determined to fight this battle. I hope she wins.

When the msg came saying that this client has a brain cancer relapse, my heart paused. Why did both of them have to suffer from this and again? I'm meeting her tomorrow morning as per arrange and I'm praying that God will grant me the wisdom and right words to touch her and encourage her.

Moments like this make me realize that we wont always be with our loved ones. Seize the day and remember to love and hug our family today as we leave for work etc.

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