Sunday, July 1, 2018

Woman is so hard to pleased

Had promised the twins to bring them to Ikea before the start of jun holidays but only got to doing it today.
Was an empty Monday for me thus I suggested to uncle choo that perhaps we could go paktor after Ikea..
Dropped the twins at school abt 11ish and asked him where we going .. he says he can't think of anything and thus we headed home.. Coz still too full from breakfast and he wants to do housework..
Ya, the 女人 in me was feeling sian.. argh.. besides eating, I can't think of any activities that we enjoy doing..难得老娘今天不用去工作,我们可以 lomantic  一下吗。难道除了吃,我们就没有别的活动了吗?

suggested cycling and he said it's too hot to cycle at noon.。say I will go crazy with the weather.. blah blah.. suggested bowling and he say he wanna do housework.. 😣

Anyway we went for bak kut teh after he was done with his housework.. complained with my kakis that I think men, especially Singaporean men, stop dating after a few . Told him if there's no plans , then I probably head back office after lunch (last resort).

And we went cycling after lunch.. lol.. 我知道我很麻烦。。哈哈😄。。 

This was probably the first and only decent shot we took.. Coz shortly after I was exhausted by the cycling.. initially had wanted to cycle all the way to waterway point but cycling on pedestrian walkway was too challenging for an amateur cyclist like me.. and by the time we reaxh the PCN, I was too exhausted . The whole cycling stint probably took less than an hr but I was happy that we managed to do some activities other than eating.. haha.. at least we burnt some calories tog.. haha..

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