Thursday, June 7, 2018


The twins came back today with 2 bags full of library books. Bus Molly had visited their school today and they were excited to borrow books with their newly made library cards.

Since young, the twins had always enjoyed reading though their reading levels are greatly different.

At a recent PTC, the teachers commented that Vera had improved a lot since the beginning of the year; from a level 5 to a level 12. And I have to agree that I do see a mark improvement from last yr. I know that and I'm happy with it. Even though the teachers later on commented that Grace is at level 21 in her reading. Yes, and I know that it would have send many parents on red alert knowing their disparity. Lol.. I'm glad we didn't.

It's hard not to compare but we try our best. Bcoz each child is different. And rather than fret over how one is struggling with reading and not knowing as many high frequency words as her chek-cheks, we try to remind ourselves that as long as she continue to be interested in reading , she will get there eventually. What is impt is to encourage, interest her and not let her feel that reading is a chore or make her feel that she is incompetent. Building up her confidence is more impt (at least to me) than her competence.

I know that as they grow older, their teachers; friends or external influences will compare. It's inevitable. May I remember to always treat each of my child independently n to always fill them up with love and lots of love.

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