Thursday, March 8, 2018

This was my view of the girls while doing the dishes on a Monday morning. Both of them are on MC. Joy is down with gastric flu while Grace is down with fever and cough and flu. (She is the more jialat one). Nevertheless I was pretty glad to be home with them, to be able to witness these sweet moments. It's always good to have only 2 kids around.. lol. . Always felt so much easy bringing 2 around..  Mayb bcoz it's an even number , and they tend to really be nice with each other. When 3 of them are around , it always feels like war or politics going on.. ( Vera who is the healthy one is on a school excursion with papa choo)

Anyway it was nice to just take the Monday off and breathe and care for these 2 sick babies. We did some chores while papa is away. I did the dishes and emptied the trash, Grace did the laundry and joy made honey for all of us and also swept the floor.

After which, we had lunch outside , repaired Joy glasses, bought the hearing aid for papa choo and also brought them to the library.

Eventful day being mama.. taking this time to stop and enjoy the most important moments of my life - them.

Hope the girls recover soon. .

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