Saturday, March 24, 2018

My sensitive child..

Is it a coincidence or does most sensitive kids Like to wear pom pom skirts? The 2 other sensitive kids I happened to know seem to like them too..
Vera is having one of her outburst in this pic. She was supposed to make her bed this morning. But as she was rushing For her art class, she simply threw her blanket on her bed. Papa said no throwing. If she needed help in folding, she can bring it out to ask for help. And thus began the start of cold war.
She refused to ask. Instead she chose to scream and cry. Papa repeated the same instructions in a firm tone (not yelling). This continue for probably another 10 mins before papa threw away the blanket to outside the door. It made her cried and scream even worse. She started to 滚在地上 crying hysterically. This was the time when I just came back from the clinic.
I told her that if she wants she can come over and hug me and tell me what happen. She refused insisting that I go to her instead. I repeated it again. And we probably go thru this for another 20 mins before she finally came to me. We hug for a long time before I ask her what happened and explained what should b done.
Photo by Grace thus so blur..

She walked to her papa and apologise (which is so rare) Took her blanket and folded and put it back on the bed.

It was tiring but I'm glad there s a happy ending to it. I'm not sure how many battles we have to go thru before we see the light at the end of the tunnel. But we will take each battle as it comes. I know she's struggling inside her small body, to come to terms with all the emotions and behaviour etc.. but we will battle it together my dear baby..

P/s : thankful that her art teacher was understanding in the last min cancellation.


  1. renee went for the trial this morning at 1030! wld hv bump into u guys i think. and the trantrum, temper, pompom skirt is all too familiar.....

    1. Haha...yes would have bumped into us if we went coz her slot was 1030 too..
