Friday, March 16, 2018

Bible verse

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

This was what our cell leader shared yday.. thought it was a very meaningful verse and wanted to record it down.. he was telling us how challenging it is to come to cell, with the arrival of their #2.. and despite the challenges, he just paste this verse in him..  so that he remembers to always put God in his priorities..

After cell, I reflected on myself too.. it's a shame. . Coz even though it's easier for me to go to cell, I hardly look forward to it.. I  always have a thousand excuses .. be it the girls being sick la, my mama in hosp, work etc.. and the list goes on. But today when I look at my leader, I just stand in awe of him and his wife. They don't own a car nor have a maid. Their #1 is the same age as the twins , but she is not easy. If i thought Vera was challenging , their #1 was easily double of that. Their #2 just turned 1 mth old..

So when he said how it's a struggle to come every Friday, I can totally relate to it. If it was me, I probably ask mr choo to bring one or 2 girls while I stay at home with the rest. But he came. Faithfully and certainly, week after week.

Need to remind myself to put God first in all that I do. To remember to read the bible and to lead a life worthy of Him. May the cause overcome the discomfort. May I always remember to seek God first, no matter how uncomfortable I can be.

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