Friday, February 2, 2018

Same same but different

Lately Grace has been throwing those tantrums more frequently than before... in fact , it happened twice today..  once over dinner and the 2nd during cell grp..  it's those where she will suddenly burst into cries (loud) when we say no or correct her.

It reminds me of the tantrums that Joy had when she was at that age. Back then, I thought joy had her fits bcoz the twins had just arrived. It was overwhelming , jealousy, emo and all sorts of emotions added together.

When Grace first started having such outbursts, I thought nothing much of it .. " maybe she doesn't have enough rest "; or "maybe the topic of argument is her weakness" or "she's learning to express herself"...

I'm not exactly sure what or how it triggers her yet and she also didnt have another (new) sibling to fight attention with.

Each time it happened, I hugged her, calm her down, kiss her and repeat. There was no point in explaining the situation coz her mind is still hot on the oven. (Love first)

After I'm sure that she has really calmed down, I started to small talk with her and slowly leading her and explaining to her how it happened. (Action later) Each time she could see it and acknowledge her mistake and apologise. This was what matters to me.

This may seems very time consuming to others. After all, didn't we all grow up to "eat" the cane whenever we misbehave? There wasn't even any TLC. It was always between hit first then scold or vice versa. And that was what I did to joy back then. I thought I knew. I thought since I turn out fine, certainly the same parenting style would work out. But I was wrong. For close to 2 yrs our r/s suffered. It got so badly to the point when Joy would cry at my mere 眼神(⊙o⊙)。。scary.. what have I done ? That was version 1.0

I'm glad that today I didn't exhibit any of the past. I'm thankful that I managed to keep my calm. I'm glad that God was with me during that period of our lives. I'm glad that we have overcome that stage. Perhaps it happens to all 5yr olds. Perhaps more challenging tasks lies ahead.

No matter how challenging it may seem, God is with us and He will never give us a task too difficult for us to carry. May i always remain so confident in my parenthood and Christian walk.

I love my God.  I love my family. May everyone get to know my God and appreciate the peace I have now.
#满满的幸福 #满满的感恩


  1. omg 5yo still have?? im only at 3.5! hahahahaha shitttt

  2. Lol.. for joy and Grace it happened at 5ish..haha..mayb renee is early ? I do hope it only happens once la.. fingers crossed..
