Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Another day...

Something happened today.. I told a prospect that it probably be better if they find another adviser more suitable for them.

Met this sahm who wanted to get H&S for her #2. She requested to meet at 9am coz her hubby needs to leave for work early and thus it's best to do the paperwork before that. She asked some qn over whatsapp which i replied. She said hubby has decided on thr plan. Told her that he needs to be around to sign. arrived at 820am and the hubby left at 825. I only got to know his name. Said he can't stay for 5 mins to listen. Ok then so be it. Mayb something cropped up etc. I continue the appt with the wife and covered all the areas needed. I asked why not getting the H&S for #3 (newborn) as well since it wasn't a concern financially. The wife said will discuss with the hubby.  I said Okie..  Anyway I needed to come down again and explain how it works so we probably can decide then.

Wife text me in the afternoon asking me to go down again tom early morning , which I declined as I have a packed schedule the next day. I suggested tue night instead. She said Okie. Then few mins later, texted me to just drop the forms on tue night. Which I declined immediately. I can't. (Later license kena chop). Told her I needed to meet the payer at least once to explain the features etc.  She said Okie. Then texted me again telling me not to say anything abt buying for #3.

I felt v uncomfortable by then. The cumulative order taking or lack of trust or dunno what. Told her frankly that:
1. Need meet payer to explain
2. Need highlight that payer has 3 kids and only wanna insure #2 (#1 alrdy has an existing plan), so no I can't keep quiet abt it. But we can just say #3 to kiv for now.

Wife said that hubby dislike meeting insurance agents and thus she is just thinking for my sake.

By here , I was tired alrdy la.. Told her if this is the case, probably they could do it with their original adviser (the one who sold to their #1) or go to the particular insurer directly. Told her that this is a long term r/s and if trust and honesty isn't there right from the start, it's v hard to move forward.

Maybe it's the command of going tom morning (place isn't anywhere near my house btw), or the "don't ask" command, or the fact that I can't even have 5 mins of his time despite reaching there way earlier, but I just didn't have the peace to want to continue the r/s forward. 😐

Maybe some people treat financial planning as if it was going to Mac Donald. It's supposed to be fast, and can always order delivery etc. Jus click whaf you wan, and delivery comes in 20 mins.

But this is not the way I work. To me, financial planning is impt. In fact, more impt than ur work or meals. How you do it now will impact if you even need to work or have food on the table in the future. It's like a visit to the doctor. Allocate time to look at it (now) or it will b too late when you want to.

I'm not cherry picking the people I meet. My friends /colleagues know that the clients I have are on extreme pay scales. Some earn as low as $2k/mth while others are much more. The only thing I ask of them is to treat me with respect. I will b honest in highlighting their loopholes and we can discuss and see how to work things out. They don't need to take up my recommendations if they don't want to. But we need trust to move forward.

I felt bad letting the referror down. (This was a direct referral). Mayb I was pokey today. Or mayb I was just over reacting. Mayb things happen for a reason.

Nevertheless I hope the couple find someone they trust and suitable for them.

Saw this on my bible app and thought it was something I needed greatly..

for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Proverbs 2:8

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