Wednesday, January 31, 2018

While waiting II

Fixed a few underwriting appts in the CBD area today.. basically these are appts where the client needed to declare or sign some forms la.. doesn't require much time in explaining but more time taken crawling to the appts..

Walked to republic plaza for #1, then to OUE downtown for #2 & now waiting for #3 at Asia square.. thanks to joleen who kindly directed me step by step.. else I probably would make many extra rounds.. coz me and Google maps are not friends.. lol.. 

Right now, my achy legs.. n i look at the OLs walking around in their high stilettos and I can't help imagining that their feet are crying for ambulance.. hahaha.. I'm one who really think the footwear a woman wears bring the best out of her but i simply can't tahan the pain for beauty..hahaha .. *sour grapes*

Thankful that from Asia square I can just take the train back to office, submit all these outstanding.. and I'm done for this week.. hahahaha.. yup, the next appt I have is on Mon..  hahahaha.. slack slack..
Enjoying this moment of rest before hectic work (dunno when) come in again..  hahaha..  for God say, we must enjoy our moment of our lives.. so yes , let's enjoy this moment of slack..hahahaha..

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