Friday, January 12, 2018

P5 Woes

The start of week 2 and one can already feel the intensity of the workload for p5. It's an indication that the train will run at full speed in preparation for PSLE- the most hyped over exams.

Even though this is only the 2nd week , she has been struggling to finish her school work on several days even though she is the kind that does it the first thing after her lunch when she reaches home. She has missed reading her newspapers for 2 days in a row coz by the time she completes her homework, it was time for bedtime. I was just telling joleen that this is the first time she had missed her reading slots coz even when we go overseas, her favorite pastime when we touched down is to catch up on her newspapers reading. I shudder to see how she is going to cope when 3rd week starts - when she has to stay back for more classes / CCA / school activities every single day of the week. It spans between staying til 330pm or 530pm.

My heart aches when I see her busy busy. Kinda regret putting her for the higher Chinese class. She hasn't really complained abt it yet but Mr choo and I are monitoring closely. The last thing i want is for her to be burnt out over all the preparations. This is the first time I felt that the school life is overwhelming. Even when she was doing her streamings last yr, we still had lotsa time to do leisure/ boliao stuff. Hopefully all will pans out well.. gentle reminder to self: to have pockets of break time for her..

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