Tuesday, January 23, 2018

On spelling and 听写

Woke up this morning and suddenly remembered that the twins have spelling today..  argh .. had forgotten to go thru with them over the weekend..  asked William if he had gone thru with the girls yday night and he said nope..

Sigh.. this meant that morning will b a rush rush affair.. tried telling myself that it's just spelling nothing to b too overly concerned abt and to relax.. went thru the words with them.. Grace could sound out 9 out of them.. yeah.. so she's cleared.. Vera on the other hand is still eating her bf slowly.. and I know she needs more time to learn her words.. gave her the words, she could only do 4 of them.. the words were tricky and all sounded almost the same.. haiz.. I don't have time yet I don't wan to morph into a control freak and spoil all the fun abt learning..  she likes writing and I'm not sure if she deliberately wrote wrongly just so that she could write more of them.. but I can't think of that now..told her to write 5 times of the words that she gotten wrong and said a silent prayer.. praying that they won't drag spelling next week.. haiz..

note to self.. moving forward weekends we have to go thru at least the spelling so that we can do 听写 during the week..  and there's show and tell this Fri for Vera.. haiz..

I hated the feeling that I had to push them this morning..need to rem to do it over the weekend so that we could use phonics and sound it out instead of memorizing by hard..oh God..  the guilt..
Came upstairs and reflected.. joy of learning is more impt in the long run then getting the perfect score for spelling.. yes I need to relax and chill..i hope they won't b too disappointed with their results today..😐

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