Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New yr..

And this wraps up our last/first staycation 2017/18. As much as this pic feels like a lovely picture of a family of 5, behind it was a Vera who was sobbing (bcoz she had tied a ribbon on her teddy bear and thus staining it real badly), 2 sisters who were tired of coaxing her and a papa who was carrying tons of small plastic bags /luggage just so that the girls could use their tiny luggage bag. (Roll eyes..sorry it's my fault for agreeing to their requests.. )

I wished I could just say that it was a beautiful staycation and the kids were in their best best behaviour but more often than not, the reality is more like this..

Lol..this is after crying for an hr (I think) with the other two happily playing with each other. And honestly that was the best i could hoped for.. Coz it would b more heart wrecking if the other two had bothered and cried along with her. She was upset of losing over a game of monopoly. The twins are at the age of "sore-losing" and despite us repeating not to play again if no one was prepared of losing. (Hard parenting)

The girls also bickered a lot on this trip and it was as if their r/s moved 3 steps forward only to see them stepping 2 steps backwards.

I guess this is what it feels like being a parent. Sometimes you feel like on top of the world, but sometimes you feel like you have nothing. My post today is not to shame anyone but to offer some realities of life.. sometimes not all moments of life is instagram-able. There are challenging moments too.. and that's why it makes this whole thing so sweet.. just like how I tell my friends that God gave Vera such a sweet innocent face is bcoz if she was anything less, I probably strangled her long ago, given her challenging moments. And when I said challenging, it is challenging. But we definitely came a long way from the initial times.

If one were to just judge from the pic above or from the fact that she cried for an hr, it probably scar anyone who ever wanted to have kids. But if i look at the Vera then and now, I'm grateful that she has come a long way. I'm thankful that we have come a long way.

We definitely have scaled some of our tallest "Mt Everest", thought we never ever made it thru; cried buckets and prayed buckets.. we are not there yet.. we have our shortcomings too and sometimes even the smallest spark will cause a fire. But we are in this together, with the Lord as our saviour and guardian protecting over us.

There were happy moments on the trip too.. like how Joy would brush her teeth together with Vera to teach her how it is done properly.. or how Grace woke up at 3am eavesdropping my conversation with William.. or how Vera ended on my bed last night. The honest fact is..i do enjoy the kids co-sleeping with me..hahahaha...

We are a family and I pray that God give us the wisdom to guide the girls, the courage to say no to them (when needed) and the heart to listen to them at all times. Despite all these trying moments, I love you all.. let's all try to make the best out of it in this life..

Praying that all my family and friends have good health for 2018..

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