Sunday, November 19, 2017

My pre trip thoughts.. and day 1...

 Today is the day when the village goes for their holidays. I had an early morning appt and headed to office to finish up the rest of the paperwork. The plan was to meet back at home and we will go to the airport together. I came home and saw Mr choo still folding the clothes that has just came out from the dryer. The plan was to clear all the outstanding housework before we fly so that when we come back, we only had to clear the 1 week of chores. Seeing him still busy bustling here and there made me wonder if it was really worth to go on a trip. Yes, the kids are ecstatic about it, especially the twins. The thought about going a plane just makes the 5 yr olds on their best behaviour for this whole week. Lol.. excellent I would say..

This is our luggages..all of it.. a lot right.. for 5 of us on a 6 days trip. Majority of it were clothes , toiletries, diapers, medicine pouch, our air bed, blankets and toys. We brought some card games and some board games too. We did bring more toys than usual bcoz the aim of this trip is to focus on the 5 of us. No tv, no iPad and no hp..lets just gel together for the next 1 week.. focusing on bonding. Each kid also had a backpack of their own where they could bring whatever they wanted but they had to carry themselves. Vera had the lightest backpack among them as she had managed to scam/coax/persuade her sisters into sharing their soft toys with her..😅

This is our first long trip since we shifted to the new place. N i think the biggest struggle is having not enough clothes to pack (for the trip) n still have enough panties to wear while in sg.. Lol.. I guess this is the flip side of leading a minimalist lifestyle..

I do hope that the girls learn more abt how blessed they are in this trip, when we go visit the farms etc and interact with the kids there. If successful we probably can go to such places on a regular basis..  shall see how it pans out.. 😊

The objective of the trip is also to spend frugally. It's not because we can't afford but bcoz we have all we already need. Thus there is no need to splurge or spend excessively. Otherwise we would have a problem with storage when we go back.

While waiting for boarding..

And we are in the plane now.. having successfully checked in and positioned ourselves in our seats..

The girls are so excited, especially Grace. She's so loud while watching her emoji movie. Every time I take the plane, I say a silent prayer that we will reach the place safely. I think as one ages, the fear of mishap is real. I pray that God grant us journey mercy on the trip and may it be a fruitful one.
 This is the seating configuration for the leg to bkk.. 

To be honest I haven't sat next to mr choo alone for a long time for family trips. Kinda enjoy the space and freedom.. Lol..  love my man..

Upon arrival..
And here we are, at Bangkok airport.. the plan is to take their airport link (aka express train ) bcoz we would arrive at 5pm and it would probably have bad jam if we took the car. And so we did, like the locals.

It only took half an hour from the airport to the station near our hotel. And we walked for abt ~15mins with our kids and luggage in tow before arriving to our hotel. 

William, joy and I each took 1 luggage while the twins held each other and we began our long walk. Of coz I was hoping to get a taxi or something. But I thought it would be good for the girls to "work" a bit for their trip. Really thankful that we all survive the walk. Lol.. thank God for the beautiful weather too.. 

Met a good friend and his wife for dinner (A pity we didn't take any pics) before heading to the supermarket to get some tibits.. tomorrow should b  more relaxed .. told the girls that all should zzz til 10am at least.  (I wish)

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