Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hectic week part 2

This is the state of My house currently.

The floor that was completing removed, together with the wardrobe after end of day 1.

His work desk in the day while supervising the work to be done. 

This is the start of hectic week 2, with the commencement of the major reno works. There are many reasons to feel frustrated, disappointed and angry. But as I sit here while waiting for time to pass before going for my appt, I can't help but be thankful. Thankful that Mr choo is here to oversee all the things, thankful that he is a great packer. Thankful that he is so Zen and able to see the overall picture. I'm a visual person, meaning I can't really understand things unless I see the physical outlay, which usually by then would b too late to make any major changes. 

We came back home abt 730am after dropping the kids in sch. I was too tired having to wake up so early. Went back to nap in the kids room. He woke me up at 940 saying that the organizers have decided to even do the flooring for kids room today. Meaning he need to clear this room. He still gave me the 2 hrs nap that I requested and ask the workers to come slightly later. I took a shower and by the time I was done, he was almost done packing all the things out fr the kids bedroom. If it was me, I would b so overwhelmed and lost and dunno where to start. 

What's in the stack? Our beddings, photos, diapers and possessions..

All the beddings from the bedrooms are nicely stacked by Mr choo while the workers start their work 

The common toilet is also packed with our stuff 

There's no better words to describe my thoughts now, other than thankfulness. I mean, it's an unfortunate event and given a choice, I wished/hoped that this won't have happened. But it has. And when life gives you lemons, let's juz make lemonade out of it ! The organizers have been understanding and they have agreed to not only redo the floor and carpentry works, they have also agreed to redo it with the tiles we wanted and not the original ones that came with it. Thankfulness #1 
Bcoz of this major works it meant that the 5 of us are camping at my mom's place till all is done. And we have began our staycation since last week , it meant more interaction with my folks. Thankfulness #2
It also meant that I need to hitch a ride everyday either via Mr choo which is 615am or my mama which is 810am. Also had the opportunity to take train with my sister for this whole week. I do hope I can talk to her more and this provides the best opportunity. Thankfulness #3

Of coz my Mr choo la.. I can't imagine life without him. How would I cope ? Thankfulness max 

Thankful that God is with us and sheltering us. Thankful for the many circumstances that have happened. May the reno be completed soon! Taking this time to just chill and work less. Lol.. 

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